
Seattle Indivisible is a grassroots, entirely volunteer-run group that leverages the work of the Indivisible Guide. We have several teams and individuals who contribute in different ways to accomplish our goals. Interested in volunteering? Email us at [email protected].

Daily Actions Team

The Daily Actions team writes, edits, and posts one action per day you can take to fight for a just, equitable, and democratic society.

Issue Advocacy

Do you have progressive cause you are passionate about? We will empower and support you to make a difference. This group includes several sub-groups focused on specific policy areas, and meets once a week.


We need to empower and persuade voters if we are going to protect our democracy. The elections team is calling, writing letters and postcards, and texting voters across the country. We have parties and trainings where we do this together, and we also help you volunteer for the most impactful activities on your own time. Email [email protected] and ask to join the Elections Committee! Bookmark our Election Action Form and fill it out whenever you contact voters, with us or on your own time.

Social Media & Communications

We have volunteers running our Twitter and Instagram accounts, and we have a group of volunteers moderating our Facebook discussion page. Want to help out? Email [email protected] and let us know!


Seattle Indivisible’s leadership is made up of our nonprofit President & Board of Directions, as well as volunteer leads of teams and special projects, like protests. The best way to join our leadership team is to start advocating and volunteering with us!

Blog at WordPress.com.