Tell WSDOT to deliver the faster Cascades train service they promised

Official Daily Action for Thursday, April 11, 2024

The following action comes from the local climate action group 350 Seattle:

From 1991 to 2019, the Washington State Department of Transportation promised faster train service between Seattle and Portland in 2.5 hours and Seattle-Vancouver, BC in 2.75 hrs. Now WSDOT is watering down plans for Amtrak Cascades. We are calling on WSDOT to recommit to faster travel times with a plan to achieve these long-overdue goals in a time frame that matters for our climate. Join us by sending public input to WSDOT calling for improvements in the Amtrak Cascades train service that anticipates our growing population, the urgency of climate change, and the deep need for transportation resiliency and equitable travel alternatives.

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